Contactless Menu Card for Restaurants

A contactless menu is a digital menu with a QR code and is also known as a touchless menu. The QR code can be scanned with any mobile device. For restaurants, it is one of the most important components of contactless ordering. As you are aware, customer demand changes, various trends develop, special, seasons, and price changes happen. As a result, the menu must be updated. This can be an expensive process if you use paper-based menus.

We might reduce your expenses by offering you a contactless menu card. Your guests can place their orders by scanning this contactless menu on their smartphone to view the restaurant’s menu options without interacting with the wait staff in person. Offering a contactless menu to guests increases the likelihood that they will return, resulting in increased sales and profit.

You can accept online food orders, but you’ll require your own restaurant app, which we can develop for you. It enables your guests to order exactly what they want, including their favorite dish and all other details. It also allows you to place an order and deliver meals in a timely manner, resulting in excellent service.

With a contactless menu card, you can make payment transactions smoothly, and quickly. For example, when your guest scans the QR code, they will be shown the amount rather than being asked. This process makes it easy for both you and your guests to make payments without difficulty.

  • Contactless Place Order

  • Hassle-free Payment

  • Easy to Scan QR Code

  • Impressive Digital Menu

Benefits that make you delightful

Increases order value
You get better customer data
It is safe and affordable
Serves as the marketing tool
Easy to update

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